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- McPherson, Angela
Distraction Page 6
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Page 6
"Alyssa." Hearing Tristan's punitive tone, I peeked over my menu. Just as I thought. His eyes glowed with anger, and the muscles along his strong jawline jerked. He opened his mouth, but our waitress came over, squashing his chance to lash back.
"Welcome. Looks like the rest of your party has arrived?" Tristan grunted in reply, causing the poor girl to frown. She recovered quickly and smiled before addressing us again. "What will you be drinking this evening?" The waitress looked at Alyssa, expectantly.
"I'll take a diet Coke and she'll have the same."
On the verge of correcting my order, Tristan interrupted me.
"Um, make that second order an iced tea, non-sweet. Elle doesn't drink diet Coke," he said, glaring at Alyssa.
"Oh, I guess you're right. You know her better than I do." Alyssa dismissively waved her hand in the air, while she continued to read the menu. "I think I'm ready to order, if everyone else is." Alyssa placed the menu on the table and smiled at Tristan.
Maybe bringing her along was a bad idea after all. I immediately jumped in and ordered the chicken taco plate again, as did Alyssa. Kellie decided to speak up then.
"I'll have the same and Tristan will have chicken fajitas." Alyssa cut her eyes to me with a quick smile. She knew Tristan never wavered with his food choices–another area she loved to tease him about.
"Uh, Kellie, I don't like chicken fajitas."
Before I could fully comprehend my actions, I ordered for him. "He'll have the beef fajita plate and after, we'll have a dozen sopapillas with a side of ice cream for him. We really enjoyed them last weekend, but we missed out on the ice cream." I shrugged my shoulders.
"I think that sums everything up," Alyssa finished, quickly.
Why in the hell did I do that for? God, this was not going very well. Not only did Alyssa jump Kellie for almost using Tristan's nickname, but Tristan corrected my order and I corrected Kellie's order for him.
Sometimes silence is nice, but the silence right then turned thicker than molasses with tension. I had a feeling the discomfort would only get worse from here.
I wanted to know, or I guess understand, why Tristan chose her. I decided to slice through the tension.
"So, Kellie, Tristan said you've already enrolled. What's your major?"
"Yeah, um, I enrolled at the end of last year. I'm not sure what my major is yet. I'm taking basic courses right now." Tristan's shoulders relaxed and he draped his arm around her shoulders. My stomach sank. He looked content with her. As wrong as this may be, but in some small, undeserving way, him choosing her felt like betrayal.
"Have y'all unpacked yet? Sorry I wasn't able to help. I've been so busy with school and my extra shifts at work."
Tristan tilted his head; his curious eyes roamed my face.
I tried to ignore Tristan's stare. I felt as if he dug into my heart, peering into what I desperately fought to bury. The longing for him to love me back the way I loved him.
Tristan cleared his throat. "Kellie won't be living with me right now."
Music to my ears.
"Oh, I guess I just assumed." I looked between the two of them.
"Well, yeah. Uh, since Kellie's a freshman she's required to live in the dorms, and her parents won't allow us to live together until we're married." His eyes darted toward the table, away from mine.
I sipped my tea.
"Too bad for you. I guess there won't be too many late night booty calls." I snapped my head over to Alyssa. She maneuvered her lips into a wicked grin, and I choked on my tea.
Our food came out then. Thank God, because the livid expression on Tristan's face increased my anxiety. I thanked the waitress and she walked away giggling. We all ate in strained silence.
I overstuffed my stomach. Again. My stomach grumbled thinking about the extra amount of food I shoved in my mouth to keep from talking or crying. I swallowed the sick feeling down with a big gulp of tea. It helped. Some.
We paid and when I tried to leave the tip, Tristan shoved the money back at me. I didn't argue. As much as I loved the food here, I didn't think I'd ever be able to stand coming back after tonight.
Outside, we stood in a lopsided circle until Tristan moved Kellie to him.
"It was great to meet you, Kellie. If you need any help with your classes, let me know. I'd be happy to help out if I can." I plastered another fake smile on my face. I thought if I could trick myself into a fake smile then maybe I could trick my heart from hurting too.
"Thanks." She nestled closer into Tristan side.
"So, there's a party at our sorority this weekend. Do you wanna go?" Why I blurted that out, I really didn't know. Kellie forwarded me an uneasy grin, which I childishly relished.
"Thanks, Spud," Tristan said, smiling sincerely at me. "Kellie, you should go. You can meet some of Elle's other friends." He glared at Alyssa.
"Yep, you can meet our other friends. I know Ginger will be there, too." Alyssa met Tristan's wide eyes. "Yeah, she's the chick Tristan coupled with last weekend since Elle and I were going together. She said she didn't want him to get lost or anything. You can't miss her. She's tall, perfect skin, and rich as hell. You know the type."
Nope, not a great idea to have invited Alyssa tonight.
"Tristan?" Kellie looked up at Tristan with sad, pathetic, puppy dog eyes.
"It was nothing and Alyssa knows it. She's being a bitch. Ignore her." Then he kissed her. Even though he'd only kissed her on the forehead, my heart still ached from having to witness his lips on her.
"I'm sorry this wasn't the greatest first introduction. I'd really like to make this up to you, but I need to get home. I have to open in the morning at work. I'll call Tristan tomorrow, and we can work out the details." I watched her think over my invitation.
"Sure, that'll be great. I look forward to hearing from you."
We each said our goodbyes and walked away. My legs must have had their own GPS. I didn't know where I was going until I found myself sitting inside Alyssa's car. As soon as she drove off, I started in.
"Alyssa, what the hell was with you back there?" Even though I loved her for being so bitchy, I couldn't believe she'd been so vicious.
Alyssa shrugged her shoulders. "I don't like her, is all."
"You don't even know her. You didn't give her a chance." At that point I wasn't sure who I tried convincing, me or Alyssa?
Alyssa glanced at me. "The girl has no backbone. She didn't even attempt to stick up for herself and Tristan didn't stick up for her either. I think she's jealous of your friendship with Tristan and that is shit in my book. Besides, I think he can do better."
I agreed, but being with him proved too late for me. I did notice some animosity, but figured tension had to do with him being best friends with a female. Would she try to end our friendship? No, I wouldn't let her. She might be engaged to Tristan, but he was my best friend. If she thought I'd step aside and let her take his friendship away from me too, she'd better think again. With a smile I thought, game on Kellie, game on.
Chapter 6
"What the hell was all that about, Tristan? And who is Ginger?" I felt Kellie's eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. I could kick Alyssa's ass right now. I did not need this shit.
"Listen, I told you Alyssa was trying to start shit. She does that." I laughed. The situation seemed funny, in a sardonic kind of way.
"I don't believe you."
I looked over at her. Her arms were tightly crossed over her chest, her brow raised, waiting for some sort of confession.
"Believe whatever the hell you want then." I heard the quick gasp of air when I tore my eyes away. Maybe I should have been more sensitive, but I didn't fucking do anything wrong. She should trust me.
"Just take me home, Tristan. I don't want to be around you right now."
My jaw tensed and I gripped the steering wheel tighter.
I drove to the dorms and sped off as soon as she shut my car door. At home, I didn't hesitate to open a b
eer, gulping the cool amber liquid down in seconds. This shit storm with Kellie didn't concern me much. I knew she'd get over being pissed, most likely by tomorrow.
Something bothered Elle. I had a feeling she'd talked to her mom after all. I picked up the phone and punched in her number, but didn't hit send. She was with Alyssa and as much as she pissed me off, I took comfort knowing she'd be there for Elle.
I sure as hell wasn't calling Kellie. Not until we'd both had time to cool down. I didn't want to end up saying something I'd regret. The night certainly didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped.
* * *
The next morning I woke up to the irritating ding of my doorbell. Too early for my mind the think straight, I couldn't figure who the hell could be at my house. Only a few people knew where I lived. I rolled out of bed, not bothering to put a shirt on.
I walked to my front door and opened it. Kellie stood on my doorstep. "Hey." She handed me a cup of coffee. I took the Styrofoam cup and moved aside for her walk in.
"Tristan, I don't like fighting with you." Kellie turned around to face me.
"Good, I don't want to fight either." I sipped the coffee and grimaced. She'd spiked my favorite morning cup with so much sugar, the grains coated my tongue. She never could remember how I liked my coffee. Black. Not too fucking hard to remember.
"I don't think that super tall freak liked me much, and Elle..." She rolled her eyes. In reflex, I gripped the coffee cup tighter, and the lid popped off. I waited for her to continue as I bent over to pick it up.
"I don't think she likes me either. I don't want you hanging out with her anymore." Oh, this was going to be good.
"Kellie," I said, slow and deliberate as I struggled to keep my anger under control. "Do not tell me who to be fucking friends with. Elle and I have been through a lot. She's my best friend, and I'm not ending our friendship because you're insecure." I walked away. I had to.
In the kitchen, I poured the too sweet coffee shit down the sink and then gripped the counter. I didn't want Kellie feeling unwanted, but I refused to let her run all over me.
I heard Kellie's footsteps walking up behind me and tensed.
"I am not insecure!" I could tell by the high-pitched screech she was fuming, but I kept my back to her.
"I'm not ditching Elle as a friend, so deal with it." I turned around. "I don't tell you to give up your guy friends. Hell, I don't give a shit who you're friends with and more importantly, I would never make you do something like that. So, if you don't wanna fight, as you've said, then drop the subject."
Her face contorted into a scowl, ready to say more, but I wasn't in the mood. I had practice in an hour and needed a shower first. I left her alone in the kitchen and headed to my room.
In my bathroom, I turned the shower on as hot as I could stand. My life was fine a week ago. Kellie and I were happy and I knew where I stood with Elle. We were friends, and at the time, I could live with that. Hell, it had been my motto for years–just be friends with Elle. I expected feelings to resurface when I met her last weekend, but I hadn't anticipated those feelings would snake around me as hard as they did.
Kellie being in the middle of it all made me feel like a dick. I didn't want to hurt her, but my protective feelings for Elle overshadowed what Kellie wanted from me. Hopefully she'd come around.
The bathroom door opened and Kellie came in while I rinsed shampoo from my hair. I refused to let her games change my mind, not when it came to Elle.
"I get that you're friends with her, but can't you understand why I'm upset?"
"I get it, let's drop the subject. All right?" I turned the shower off and pushed the curtain open. Kellie handed me a towel. "Thanks." She walked out and sat on my bed while I dried off.
"So what's the plan now?"
I worked my shirt over my head and glanced over at her. Kellie's arms were crossed over her chest and she still looked pissed.
"I'm going to practice." I jumped into my shorts.
"That isn't what I meant, and you know it."
Yeah, but I also said I was finished.
"Just drop it." Dammit. I didn't want to fight. Giving up, I walked over to her.
"Okay fine, but not until you promise me something." Kellie wrapped her arms around my neck, stepped on her tiptoes, and brushed her lips over mine. I pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. I chose to be with Kellie and knew I had to move away from the idea of being with anyone else. I took a step back.
"What's the promise?"
"Promise me you'll make sure I'm around when you hang out with Elle."
I pulled away from her, thinking she had to be joking. From her stern expression, I could see she wasn't.
"Kellie, that's ridiculous. You're acting like a baby."
"I'm not acting like a baby." She stomped her foot on the floor and I laughed, which pissed her off more.
“All right then, you're acting like a jealous, crazy, insecure little girl. And if you do not let up, I swear to God I'm going to walk away." My chest rose in slow measured breaths. Why couldn't she see I chose her? Regardless, I refused to stand by while she manipulated me or gave unrealistic ultimatums.
Her eyes filled with tears and she turned away.
"I love you," I whispered, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"I love you, too." Her words sputtered out as she cried. I turned her around to face me and lifted her chin.
"Listen, Kellie, I love you, but trying to manipulate me by setting ultimatums isn't the way to go." I stroked her face, and her expression softened.
"It was obvious how she felt. The way she looked at you, like you walked on water. And I could see the way you looked at her, too." Kellie took in a deep breath before going on. "Tristan, I don't want to lose you, but I think underneath," she placed her hand on my chest, over my heart, "I think you're in love with her."
I opened my mouth to speak, but my tongue suddenly felt too thick. How I felt toward Elle wasn't fair to Kellie, but I couldn't flip a switch and turn it off. God knows I've tried–it just never helped. Besides, what the hell was she talking about? Elle didn't look at me the way she suggested.
"I'm here with you. You've gotta trust me." I kept my arms around her and lowered her head against my chest. "There is nothing between me and Elle, okay?" I had to stop for a second. I felt my voice crack. I didn't want to lose her. "Kellie, you're what's real. I'm here with you. I love you, so don't let this get in the way of us being happy."
Kellie lifted her head from my chest. Her tears had dried, but she still looked unsure. I had to make her understand. "I am here with you. I love you and I won't end this because what we have is real."
"I–" She stopped. "I'm okay with you being friends, but why can't you understand that I don't want you to hang out with her without me?"
"Elle's busy and she has a lot on her plate right now. If she calls, I won't hold back. She's my friend and only my friend. Okay?" I cupped her face in my hands willing her to understand how I felt.
"Okay," she breathed out.
“Okay." I pulled her back to me and hoped like hell it would be.
After work the next day, I dialed Tristan's number, but a female voice answered the line instead. On the verge of apologizing, the person giggled. Kellie. In an all too cheery voice, she agreed to put Tristan on the phone. When I heard kissing noises in the background, I nearly gagged. Another milestone to overcome.
When he answered, I asked if Kellie still wanted to go with me and Alyssa tomorrow night. He held his hand over the receiver, urging her to go. When he got back on the line, he agreed to drop Kellie off tomorrow evening around seven. Yay, apparently I had a thing for being miserable.
* * *
The party tonight wasn't themed, just our annual beginning of the year bash with open invitations, but I wanted to look my best tonight. Alyssa let me borrow her cute yellow summer dress and sandals. I actually applied mascara after curling my long black lashes.
p; "You should totally wear mascara more often," Alyssa encouraged when I walked out of the bathroom and into our room.
"I don't look bad, then?" I didn't usually wear makeup and didn't think women should hide behind a mask to make them feel better about themselves. Though I had to admit the mascara gave me a boost of confidence.
"Nope, it makes your eyes look smokin' hot. I bet Eric will notice the difference too, along with the dress. You're so gonna kill tonight." Alyssa wiggled her eyebrows at me.
Eric and I had gone out a few times, but I never pursued anything with him. He was cute, tall with sandy blond hair, and gorgeous, deep smoky-blue eyes.
Tisha popped her head in our room. "Hey, Elle, your hot-ass friend is here with some girl. She kinda looks like you. Weird, huh? Oh. By the way, I am glad he's on the team with my brother. I can totally eye him up when he's on the field. I still cannot believe you held out on me this long. I may have to reconsider us being friends." She folded her arms and shook her head playfully.
"Thanks. I think."
"No prob." Tisha waved on her way out.
"Hey, do you think Kellie and I look alike?"
"I guess I could see a resemblance. You both have the same hair color, and are about the same height," she stopped for a second, "but you're way hotter than the twerp."
I bit my bottom lip, thinking over what she'd said. Alyssa frowned.
"You have nothing to worry about, Elle. I bet this stupid engagement won't last anyway. Besides, what the hell is he thinking? And Tristan of all people?" Alyssa shook her head, creating a gauntlet of corn white curls around her shoulders. "He's always been a ladies’ man. I wouldn't be surprised if his old promiscuous tendencies didn't get the better of him."
I didn't want to hold on to the idea of them not lasting. If I did, and their relationship held, I'd be left picking up the pieces all over again. No, I only wanted to make sure our friendship remained in the end. Over the years my feeling for Tristan grew and I hadn't realized how much I depended on him being in my life, and to not have him, even as a friend, well, I didn't think I'd ever be the same.